Grace's Dreams
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Strike Back 反擊
Hi D,
May I ask in what part that you think that I am not concentrate on my Akai/Alesis sales? That's just because no orders come in? or I surf on net?
As a supervisor, shall you give me some advices for how to boost Alesis sales?
And I would like to ask you how you find Alesis? What are the differences between Alesis market and Numark market, except the target customers?
Do you think that the only way to do business is to call and review sales, then the order will come in?
Do you know why Alesis sales is down? That's because I didn't push hard? Is it the only reason?
I need advices. Please advise how to get order from TS SOUND, as the economics is bad? Thailand customer told me so. I called them on Monday. How would you do with Sound Solution as the same case?
ELFA, I emailed to Nick already, and await his reply. According to my experiences, they will order samples for sure.
TIGA, already emailed too.
DCH, I will call today.
Vietnam/Combodia, Mr. Kim already replied that, I want to wait until Friday.
I will call Techniline today.
If you think that the job that you do as a supervisor is to push me to push customers for order. Then....I will do.
Please think of it, and please do not put your personal emotion on me, we are just colleagues. I am not the same kind of person like you, and we are just different. Please let me do things on my way. Great minds don't need to think alike.
I always wonder what I have done to make you act like this. Writing emails to me when I am just in front of you.
Thanks for your attention.
Best Regards,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 10:26 AM
Subject: Sales Concern
Please concentrate on your Akai/Alesis sales.
“Call” all your customers today to get your orders in.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
D. Chen
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
- Great minds don't have to think alike -- it's probably enough when they share the same goal and can agree on the method. 條條道路通羅馬是吧!
from Daily Extended Forecast for November 10, 2004, provided by
- 深深思念一個人的時候,我們不知不覺活在世界的中心
from 在世界的中心呼喊愛情 by 片山恭一
- 我發現人的遺傳基因有一種傾向,就是把自己的一生交給毫無把握的賭局,這裡面似乎隱藏了什麼嚴重的缺陷。因為如此,這個問題最好別想太多,即便想得再多,為了到手的東西就必須忍耐,對於異性問題也會變得過度慎重,人生也難免陷入齊克果化。
from 滿月之夜,白鯨出沒 by 片山恭一
不知我的個性是否有種劣根性,硬得很,是不是吃軟不吃硬我不知道?但我不喜歡被強迫去接受某種思想,相對上,我也不會去質疑別人的想法。當我看到great minds don't have to think alike, 真是心有戚戚焉,做一件事有各種方法,如果都能達到目的,何必在乎別人用什麼方法,這不也是一種尊重的表現嗎?
不過,真如同事提醒的多一個朋友就少一個敵人,我仍是需要他的幫忙的,幫我度過這三個月。如果我碰觸到問題的中心,大概多是氣話。i got to admit that i haven't got it over....
But let it be....and let us cherish the last 100 days to work together.
當我們同在一起 by 王羚柔
lyrics by 李岩修
空氣裡 在午後的暖意 我聽著 沙沙收音機 突然間 下起來雨
雨讓我 好想好想你 想抱著你
當我們同在一起 在一起 在一起 在一起 在一起 齊快樂無比
你是我 曾經的甜蜜 我是你 愛情的過去 那一段 美好的記憶
我們都 不能夠忘記
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Vanilla Sky- What's the happiness meant to you??
Under beautiful Vanilla Sky
Reality is real and cruel
Sometimes it's just hard to keep the happiness
Because we can't predict what will happen next minute
Just one minute, the decision you make can turn the world around...
What's the happiness meant to you?
Just like this, to be with you is the happiness I want....
So....I even want to die with you, so others can't get you???
I can't understand the thought...
To me the happiness can be so simple
Even the sky is cloudy
and it turns to dark
Lying on the bed, reading an interesting novel, with music around
The best time to have a nap
Don't feel like wake-up....
All of the feeling is one kind of happiness....